S.O.S. (Stories of Service) - Ordinary people who do extraordinary work
From the little league coach to the former addict helping those still struggling, hear from people from all walks of life how they show up as a vessel for service and drive for transformational change. Hosted by Theresa Carpenter, a 28-year active duty U.S. naval officer who found service was the path to unlocking trauma and unleashing your inner potential. All views are mine alone and not on behalf of any other entity.
S.O.S. (Stories of Service) - Ordinary people who do extraordinary work
Veterans Healing Farm | Alan Yeck - S.O.S. #160
My next guest runs a property that helps our veterans in many ways and was recently granted new land to continue their mission.
Yeck is a former United States Marine, Special Intelligence Communications (MOS 2651—Company L, Marine Support Battalion, NSGA, Guantanamo Bay, and 1st Radio Battalion, Kaneohe, Marine Corpe Air Station), and Information Management Officer (IMO) with the U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service, Diplomatic Corps. Among his postings, he served three tours at the American Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, during its 18-year civil war, the American Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, during Operation Desert Shield / Storm, “the original” Gulf War, and the American Consulate in Bogota, Columbia, during the FARC rebel conflict.
Alan’s 23-year career in higher education includes senior roles as associate dean, director, and executive dean at two-year and four-year institutions in the U.S. and internationally. Alan is the author of several theatrical plays, including “2266,” about the abandonment of American POW/MIAs during the Vietnam War. General William C. Westmoreland attended the New York opening as the guest of honor. Other works include "A Line in The Sand," about the chemical contamination of thousands of U.S. troops in Desert Storm, and “The Killing of American Higher Education,” about the corrupt student loan industry and its dirty connection to even dirtier politics.
In 2021, he published “C is for Corruption: An ABC Book About American Politics” and “Where the Weasels Sing,” a nonpartisan look at our elected officials (#theyallsuck). He is also the executive director of Veterans Healing Farm. The group provides space for veterans' healing and camaraderie through beekeeping, organic farming, herb therapy, workshops, and more programs. The father of six adult children and Baba to a boatload more, he enjoys all things outdoors: hiking, hunting, fishing, lousy golf, live music, local artisans, foodie, and the ever-vibrant micro-brewery scene in Western North Carolina.
Veterans Healing Farm -
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